I want to end the hell. (27)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-17 03:55 ID:QanW25gJ

Hey everyone.

My life is really not worth living anymore.

I'm 24 and I work a degrading retail job, but I'm not a normal guy: I'm very gentle and sensitive (even though I daydream about my body being wrapped around the rough edges of a tough thuggish man), and all day and every day I feel nothing but stress and mental pain. The smallest things that people shrug off leave deep emotional scars and add another pound of stress onto my shoulders. This is something that nobody understands.

On top of that my life is empty, meaningless, and lonely. I'm so cold and hollow on the outside that I can't even attract guys at gay bars (I've tried), so I can't fuck away the pain.

Is there any alternative to suicide?

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