I could have friends, but..Please help! (14)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-23 23:53 ID:Oxj91iY5

i also have very few female friends, the one i have who actually lives near me is 14 years younger than me (i'm 35)... it's hard as hell to find womem my age with my interests (loud violent music- esp. jrock, anime, video games, asian horror movies, potty humor, general immaturity and naughtiness).

i have no kids, and have infertility issues, so all the chicks my husband tries to get me to befriend are all about the kids etc. it's a sore spot for me, so i'm not interested. i also don't care about fashion, shopping, scrap booking, cross stitching, dinner parties, wine tasting, or whatever other crap women my age are into.

being my age sucks complete ass, for real.

so anyway, i feel you. but guy friends are awesome too.

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