continued from romance (41)

31 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-20 08:09 ID:Mbs5VrlD

i made brief eye contact with her this sunday while running by. it felt like it lasted forever. it was so awkward for me.
i keep wishing she had ending this this thinking about how i'd feel too. because i really want to be friends with her, but if i can't trust her with my heart, i don't think i should be trusting her as a friend. a good friend wouldn't go behind my back for a month, lead me on and do these sort of things, right? and they only decided to be an item within that month. who knows what the conversations were like before that. :/
the eating has its ok days and its bad days. yesterday i ate nothing. today i had a couple of chicken wings. i've lost alot of weight. my coworkers who don't know what happening keep telling me i look alot thinner, but i've got no reason to feel good about it. they just assume i'm dieting.

thanks. sometimes i get the feeling i'll never find another girl i love and vice versa. it's probably not true, but sometimes the thought gets to me.
i really hope i can do it. getting out of this slump, go out and maybe i'll eventually meet another amazing girl.

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