continued from romance (41)

35 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-21 07:55 ID:jBO+jPb9

been thinking about that. i thought that i was really used to being alone before this breakup. i had spent a whole year single, and had just started to leave the house and hang out with friends, or just go out on my own to have fun.
i don't want to have to NEED a relationship, but i really miss the feeling of knowing someone likes me in that kind of way. so i don't know what to do about it. and my self image has dropped quite a bit lately and took my confidence/inner happiness with it :/

i'm a little overweight. 5'10, and i was 240lbs when this started. i'm 215lbs now and still dropping. i don't feel good about the weightloss. i threw up again last night, which kind of hurts when your stomachs already empty.
bad nerves, or whatever it is. it usually happens at night when i'm tired. i just get the sudden feeling im gonna throw up and run to the toilet

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