[Humanism] Why was I "good" again? [Misanthropy] (30)

25 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-27 14:47 ID:qXjDI57m

No, only Science and Technology are able to change things fundamentally!
And what is being reasearched is surerly not decided by the vast majority of the humans.
Actually, more or less everthing is being researched.

And it is not further distraction from the fundamental issues.
Biotechnology, cognitive sciences?
All part of the puzzle.

We need to know more about the human physiology.

"Spread more love"?

There are 2 REAL and consequent solutions:

    • Find a way to eradicate the complete humanity
    • Change the human physiology of all people.

Everthing other than that, it would be all blabbering, nothing consequent and not a real solution which will adress the fundamental basis.

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