[Humanism] Why was I "good" again? [Misanthropy] (30)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-25 12:56 ID:bpH45qiC

Oh right, I forgot to say that I am contemplating nihilism. No seriously, it's a great philosophy. And I'm no "moralfag" because I don't follow guidelines imposed by others (ie screw the humanist manifesto or moral guidebooks); I'm my own personal judge in what is "right" or "wrong", it's just that I usually put the "your liberty stops where the one of others begins" first. I used the term humanist in its very basic principle, because I thought it's a word that best described how I felt about humanity.

>But the broad humanity is stupid (look at the IQ-distribution) and won't learn anything from the past.

Yeah, this is what is bothering me right now.

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