First post. I need a reason to get moving in my life. (15)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-29 20:24 ID:wETCSHmu

The thing about motivation is you kind of have to be 'on a roll' to have it. That is, you need to be motivated about almost everything you do to be motivated about anything in particular. Sometimes something like depression or a major setback will cause you to lose motivation in one area, such as your work or love life, and this anti-motivation can spread to other parts of your life until everything seems boring and pointless.

To get yourself out of the rut you need to focus on basic things such as getting up at a fixed time, washing regularly, keeping your living space clean, getting your work in on time etc etc, and only once you have these little things fixed can you move on to bigger challenges. It's a matter of walking before you try to run.

OP, I bring motivation up because you talk about your life and ambitions in negative terms: "I hate", "I don't like" etc and you don't say much about what you want and what you do like, and I'm guessing this is because you don't know what you want, because you've never found anything you really like doing. You may be experiencing a symptom of depression called 'anhedonia' [] which is an inability to derive pleasure from normally enjoyable activities such as eating, socialising, sexual intercourse and so on.

You should strongly consider dealing with your motivation problems before doing anything else, since deriving happiness from an activity requires making an effort to be fully invested in that activity. You cannot expect fulfilment to find you, you must find it.

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