[rant] Ugly/fat girls are the annoying ones [generalization] (68)

30 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 05:24 ID:Heaven

Former fatty, newly skinny female here. I've lived in both worlds; I was the "semi-homely/pudgy" girl, and now I'm the "rather pretty/waifly" girl. But I've always been a very kind, polite, warm, caring and empathetic person with a dry sense of humor no matter my size or shape. Part of that stems from an extreme inferiority complex, OCD, and chronic depression, but I have received praise from most of the people I have ever met for being so careful with and conscious of other's feelings and for being a good person over all. People have always liked me for my personality; it's a fact. It didn't matter that I was heavy, and it doesn't matter that I'm thin. People have liked me for me because I'm a kind person. For me, my personality has spoken volumes over my physical being. If I had been a bitch when I was heavy, I don't think that getting in shape and taking better care of myself would have swayed many people to want to be around me now if I were still a bitch.

But it wasn't until I lost weight and got into shape that people started complimenting me on my physical qualities as well. I never dated when I was heavy; I had lots of guy-friends that I really clicked with, but not one of them ever expressed romantic interest in me. After shaping up, however, I turn heads in crowded places, I get cat calls from passing cars, guys (and some girls) are especially attentive to and seemingly interested in me, and I've started dating for the first time.

I have noticed a difference in the way people have perceived me since I thinned down, but an awful lot of it makes me angry. These people who previously didn't want much of anything with heavy-me have spun round to take my hand now that I'm thin. And that's bullshit. But it seems to be the way of the world. People, in general, are shallow. The world is a wonderful place filled with shitty people. Not everyone is shit, of course, but when most of the people you meet indeed fit that bill, it's hard to believe there's much else to humanity.

It's important to remember that not all fatties are obnoxious bitches, and not all obnoxious bitches are fatties. The same thing goes for plastic whores and niceness. Every person is different; personality and physical appearance are not relative. The [generalization] in this thread is damned appropriate.

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