Tell me your typical day. (64)

30 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-05 21:55 ID:v8DxZwY5

5:30 wake up
6:30 go to school
during school: think about my addiction to math 95% of the time, the other 5% is well spent talking with a cute, shy girl I'm in love, I think she might like me too. But me, unable to proceed further due to my extremely high cowardice and insecurity, her words are the only thing I'll get from her

16:00 get home and quickly manage my ecchi/hentai collection (literally >9000 well chosen pictures)
17:30 lay in bed and become lethargic thinking about the previous girl
19:00 walk to the computer, start downloading some more ecchi, read the paper
21:00 unhealthy dinner, watch tv/play old videogames/read or w/e (free time)
23:00 go to bed and dream about that one girl i'll never have.
usually this, so yes, college sucks

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