I want to die (32)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-22 07:01 ID:80jvHe8I

My life is a ruined mess.

During the early stages of my life I did terribly in school, I ended up in all the special classes because I couldn't fucking function.
My mother was a drunk, when I finally got her to stop drinking things didn't really get any better.
She spoiled me, I got whatever I wanted, now I'm lazy and can't get myself to do anything.
My friends were all losers and I ended up being a wigger wannabe gang member for a couple years, looking back at that I want to kill myself.
I dropped out of school at grade 5 and I would get those free dial up discs, I soon found an addiction to porn and forums.
In 2005 I found 4chan, then this site.

I've been trying to get a job but nobody will hire me.
This is making me cry.

My life is nothing, I am nothing, I am worthless, living a life as a ghost.
I want to die, I don't want to exist I am nothing.

I wake up during the day, then I sit on my chair and browse the web until it's the morning then I go to bed, I do this every single day.

I want to die.

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