So girls should approach guys, eh? (96)

89 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-10 18:30 ID:AfuSGWOe

>it's still the best (and probably only) way to formulate abstract thoughts.

Sadly for you, that's theory. In practice people use acts, gestures, emotions to convey their unconscious abstract thoughts. Unconscious thoughts by definition can't be conveyed through language, because language is mostly under voluntary control. That's just how humanity works, for complaints address yourself to the Maker, please.

>Do you only talk to people you want to bone?

Mr. Player-Hater is speaking about people who might end up going out with him, not about friendzone interactions.

Besides, people often don't say "I love you" because they are NOT hypocrites. Because they don't know or understand their feelings, they don't want to say something they are not certain about.

>You can be straightforward and honest without being rude, you know.

You completely missed the point, if by rudeness you mean slang. But of course there is a level of honesty that is extremely aggressive and acid. Just try saying EVERYTHING that comes to your mind to people, and you will quickly lose all your friends. No one is so perfectly frank, but some manage to get quite close to that.

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