School stresses me out too much. (32)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-12-17 06:19 ID:mF7Cli+E

Dude, I got high every day in school, I still did fine, graduated two years early and got into community college no prob. Smoke more. Relax. Oh wait, you're a femm... hm... Algebra 2 should be easy as fuck, dunno what the deal is there... Not doing your homework? Sleeping through class? AP Bio is hard as shit and you should've waited till your senior year for that... Also, you just overloaded on a shitload on courses.....

Okay... talk to your bio and algebra teachers and see if they offer extra credit.... And really, if you really really can't relax... try weed. Really. It helps.

That site has lovely information about all of the lies they fed us in DARE.

Let us know how you are later. Anon worries about you because you sound like one of our friends.

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