Parents and stress and suicidal nervous breakdowns, oh my! (12)

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-05 04:39 ID:KUnIa+8a


Sounds to me like you're suffering from anxiety attacks; not nervous breakdowns (although, I know that's what it feels like.) From what I've read, it does sound like you are suffering from some sort of anxiety disorder. The thoughts of suicide, and feelings of no self worth, are actually symptoms of anxiety, and depression; you're not going insane. You sound like you have a lot on your plate, and you're just getting overwhelmed. My best advice to you is, don't give up. Go see a professional, and learn how to deal with this. Stay in school, graduate, go to college, or get some sort of formal training, get a job and move out of your parents house as soon as you can. Otherwise, this whole thing is just going to keep repeating itself, and nothing with change (it will get worse actually.)

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