Parents and stress and suicidal nervous breakdowns, oh my! (12)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-05 21:17 ID:isTN52vs

First of all, I would stop blaming the parents for your problem. Not that they don't suck, or that they did not originate the problem (I have no clue) but simply because they won't be the solution to it. I think you are about 15, you can start taking responsibility for yourself. Don't fall in the trap of blaming others for your problems, you will just lose years of your life.

Now the first thing you should do is to check for assistance. I don't know if your school provides with it, but if not you can check your town if a service can provide you with help. If not, check what exists at the national level, you can also check on the internet for NGOs that could be useful, if really social services are inexistent in your country. Just be more pro-active, and sort yourself out of your mess. I also think you are having panic attacks, which is quite mundane, as a psychological problem. So you should be able to get help.

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