What should I do in my life? (75)

34 Name: urbanlol : 2009-07-31 00:24 ID:gNCqDgPW


I read all of your posts about your stand still life, the move out and the job. Just to say in the least, very inspiration man. Not even lying here.

I'd like to put in my two cents and say, once you get a financial income stable you can enroll in community college. As you might have known, apply for finical aid. That will help you lots. If you're interests in FREE MONEY [who isn't] go apply for some grants. The money they give you is of course free, and you won't have to pay them back like a loan.

To answer or shed some light on your questions.

Going back to your previous lifestyle: You have already recognized the slow, repetitive and boring ways it had left you. Leaving you in a sense of emptiness. You mentioned how you felt like there was no need for human interaction or any form of social interaction [outside of family]. Would you really be satisfied later on living a life and a head filled with questions and "what-if's"?

Though things might not be as euphoric or exciting right now, "fun things happen when work is done right and earned".

I say keep at it, and see how you like it...

but work is never a fun start, especially a fast food joint.

Don't give up hope yet.

I'm rooting for you.

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