How Do I Continue Alone? (14)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-02 12:04 ID:vNfD6YY8

I can't trust anyone at all on anything that really matters. I've been trying my best to not rely on anyone but I'm exhausted and depressed in various ways. Everyone just keeps pointing back to my so-called family and friends whom I can't trust. So, how do I keep going on alone?

When I was young, I was abused by one parent in the presence of the other and extended family, all of whom ignored my plea for help. Since then, every little thing traced back to that incident.

Went for therapy in one year during high school. The parent who drove me there kept complaining how bad I make my family look and how much better they deserve than to have a crazy daughter like me. The one who had to be begged to show up for one session was only there to complain what a waste of time it was and there were better things to do.

Recently got in touch with another source of help but ended up to be all talk no walk. It's not hard to tell that they think I'm a nuisance and are trying to get me off their case asap. They brought up the abuse incident to the abuser, who claimed that it couldn't be helped due to stress.

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