goes. (22)

18 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-15 08:53 ID:zex4iaBr

god, this is why I stopped browsing /personal/. Too many people who remind me of... well, me.

Black guy, early 20s, anime/manga fan, somewhat well off family, shy, anti-depressants, fell in love with some Asian chick... who are we talking about here?

You're probably way more social than I am, though. I have no friends here (through my own actions, or rather lack thereof.) Virgin, never asked a girl out... from where I'm standing you're probably pretty well off.

Also, if she was the type she sounds like to me, it would make sense if she wasn't interested in you that way. Probably the kind of type whose parents would threaten to kill them if they went out with a black guy, so they really never considered it.

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