Successes and Failures and Everything in Between, Beside, Above and Below (119)

101 Name: Anonymous : 2010-07-11 21:41 ID:LshsU8gx

In 10 days, I'm moving away from my family for good. I haven't even accepted that I don't live in my home of 12 years anymore and that I won't see my father every's really an odd feeling. It's surreal. I've planned to move to WA since I was 12, and now it's going to happen in 10 days. It's one of those things that you plan on doing but it's really far off and it's sorta a dream so you kinda think it won't happen...but it's happening. I'm really excited when I think about it..but deep down, I'm really, really scared. I've cried myself to sleep a few nights thinking about it. Thinking about how I won't be able to run to my sister's room when I find a funny youtube video, or how I won't hear my mom's weird laugh from another room, or I won't hear my dog's collar jingling as she comes downstairs to wake me up. I know I'll be living with my best friend and it's going to be awesome, but I feel kind of hopeless about the other stuff. Oh well. Everyone leaves home at some point...and I'm going to have a lot of fun. N is my sister and she'll take care of my like she always has. I know I will be fine. This is what I always dreamed of. I feel really good about it.

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