Hello, meet me (14)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2010-01-18 21:26 ID:rzahgvIP

I also like sketching, psychology and history. I might read some wiki articles and I have 30-so outlines of human bodies from posemaniacs.com in a sketchbook that I can not find. I'm hoping to become more organized in the future (not in a "I'll do it the next day" fashion - I'm waiting for the moment I'll get to live alone) and read more about everything that I am interested in. For now, I concentrate increasingly on my school studies (since the day I'll be giving exams that will decide my next years more or less is getting closer).

You said my mind is focused! Ha! I remember some major dreams of mine, even childhood dreams. I had never though about keeping a dream-journal, I might try this. I usually just think of my dreams the moment I wake up, or through the day, and then I forget about them.

What do I dream about? I have often dreamed about playing video games. It's not clear whether I am the game or I am the observer to the game. I also dream of huge tidal waves sometimes, the setting is the beach for that (sometimes, the sand becomes so steep that I can't even climb it to escape the wave, etc). Except these, I've dreamt of all sorts of things. A childhood dream: something about a black cartoon cat (which was an advertisement mascot), running through a hospital with a table full of needles.

As for my future, I don't care. I hope that I'll have enough time for myself and I aim for nothing. If I admitted to myself that I aim for something, that'd mean I care for something, and my #1 philosophy, perhaps the only philosophy of mine, is that nothing matters, internal or external, before, due, or after life. Thinking like that beats any moral God or punishment: if a God exists, then I want him to torture me for the rest of time with the worst torture possible! For me, it doesn't matter :-).

Nonetheless, I don't like working. I would rather make money off my skill, and that is why I hope to get in some institute, plus I'll get much time for myself and my studies, contrary to what most people refer to as "college life", I have a different life in mind, and I truly don't care for alcohol or drugs or sex, I'm done with all that, even though my sex life is sort. There's no such distractions.

Can you control your daydreaming and when does it occur most often? What do you daydream about >>7?

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