Rape (20)

16 Name: Anonymous : 2010-06-05 02:20 ID:xcea1YJY

"Rape is an assault by a person involving sexual intercourse with another person without that person's consent." -- Wikipedia

The stereotype that men must always be thrilled by any form of sexual attention from a woman is ridiculous. I'm a man and I was sexually violated by a chick once. I call it a violation and NOT "getting lucky," because it made me feel greatly uncomfortable and disturbed. I have the right to say that; they are my feelings and I own them, and I don't give a damn if someone tells me I'm "less of a man" for that.

Secondly, it's not impossible for a woman to overpower a man, and a group of women is definitely possible - just very improbable.

Your friend should stand up for his feelings and dignity. He should get a lawyer and take those girls to court for rape, and if anyone ostracizes him for that action, those people are not his friends and he should find new ones.

I just hope there was a witness, because he's going to need all the help we can get.

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