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7 Name: Anonymous : 2010-03-10 16:16 ID:ZvqUd5Sd

I know how you feel, OP. I'd like to have a group of people to hang out with (preferably in real life), but I've already accepted the fact that this is not going to happen. Many years as a hikki have left me without any real friends and it seems like I won't find any new friends either. I used to play MMORPGs too, but after playing those for years I realized that I was just chasing a different carrot over and over again. And the older I get the more empty online conversations seem to get. It's just people exaggerating stories they probably didn't even experience themselves, gossiping about others, retarded drama I don't give a shit about, excessive bragging and repeating memes that are not funny at all. And as soon as a girl joins 90% of the guys become infatuated white knights who attempt to impress this girl whenever possible, even though she is probably some fat troll who is not going to put out anyway.
Everyone is saying something, but hardly anyone is actually listening. Actual discussion of topics is not possible as almost everyone just sticks to their own opinion and has no interest in trying to understand anyone else. The internet might have given everyone a chance to let themselves be heard, but most people have nothing important to say. Whoever yells the hardest gets attention and becomes popular. But I digress...

I don't really have any interests that involve meeting and socializing with other people (like sports), I enjoy solitary things like reading and listening to music while lying on my bed. Most places where you can socialize you can't really go to alone (bars and such), unless you want to be 'that' guy. I could join some club and I know how to behave to be considered 'part of the group', but it all seems so fake to me that it's not worth the effort. I could drink too many beers to mask the fact that there is not much to talk about, laugh at jokes that aren't that funny, pretend to be interested... and maybe I'll meet someone who I like, but I just don't have the energy to put in all that effort. I just want to be myself, not put on some act just to get people to like me.

Most people seem stupid and ignorant to me as well. I know I shouldn't be misanthropic or arrogant if I want to find friends, but even if I try, I just can't really communicate with most people, because usually we share zero interests. We just exchange pleasantries to keep up appearances, but there is no connection whatsoever. On top of that, it seems that whenever there are more than 3 people present, any normal conversation becomes seemingly impossible, because there is always at least one person who feels the need to stand out (and get all attention) and dominate the conversation.

Very rarely I do meet nice people in real life I can relate to, but they all already have their own group of friends and they usually see me as a nice guy to talk to, but not as a potential addition to their social circle. And sometimes when people actually want to get closer to me, I still manage to screw it up because I just no longer expect it and I am no longer used to it.

I post at this board: , but it's more a place to discuss problems than actually find friends. It seems that as soon as a forum is no longer anonymous it becomes just another popularity contest...

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