Shutin boredom (9)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2010-04-14 12:44 ID:duEy9OII


It's actually not a bad place. Yeah, AnonIB sucks but this board is well hidden away from the main mess of porn and other crap. It hardly gets any traffic at all anymore, compared to a year ago. Zero trolls, which says something about the one mod (then again he is a hiki). It's not like that HikiCulture board where its just a pissing contest to see who is the biggest, fattest, most autistic hiki there is, they have some okay discussions there.

Anyway...I've been a hiki for about 6 years now, after getting kicked out of school. If you're already out of stuff to do, it'll only get worse. Soon you'll be sleeping 20 hours a day.

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