Getting Rid Of Annoying Guy (19)

15 Name: Anonymous : 2010-10-26 00:11 ID:bmU8NQWS

>Another thing is that you have already met the girl for you, whether you are aware of it or not.

I don't know where you are going with this, is this some tripe about destiny or something? If thats the case well....thats just stupid.

you seem to think that not being able to find a significant other is my problem right now, no I'm way past that at this point
my problem right now is getting the people around me to accept my lifestyle choice, I'm celibate and I'll take that celibacy to my grave, whats so wrong about that?
do they honestly think that the entirety of my happiness relies solely on me being able to find a girl?
if so then I'm insulted, I may get a little bit bummed out from time to time but I don't suddenly lose all fulfillment in life,
thats just silly.

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