Getting Rid Of Annoying Guy (19)

8 Name: Anonymous : 2010-10-22 21:53 ID:+B9iwtso

Well I already talked to him but it's kind of over with, but I'll answer anyways.


>socially awkward person

Haha, no, not at all. He has friends. I'm way more socially awkward than he is, and when we had that conversation he was kinda disappointed and a little embarrassed, but otherwise chill.

>If you suddenly drop a bombshell like "Yeah, that's great, but I wanted to ask you, what do you want out of talking to me?..." I think it could seriously inflict some damage.

See, I think I was doing more damage by not cutting off contact. He was wasting his time trying to talk to me or trying get me to do things when all I would do is try to end the conversation or make excuses as to why I couldn't. It wasn't a good situation, and since I wasn't going to magically start liking him, the only other option I had was to end it.

>What you have to do is to break down the signals so that he becomes to realise what the situation is himself. For example, keep ignoring his calls, avoiding contact whatever, and if he brings it up, then say that you don't really connect, and that you can't give him what he wants etcetc

Dude, that's what I was trying to do for MONTHS, and he never got it. I ignored his phones calls, I avoided him, I never committed any time to him or accepted any invitations from him. What the hell else was I supposed to do? Spit in his face? Since he wasn't getting it and wasn't going to bring it up, I had to.

>I think you should take some responsibility for giving him some hope in the first place.

And I finally did take that responsibility, by cutting off contact. Now he can go on with his life and so can I.


>maybey you shouldn't be nice to people you don't like

Well, uh, I can't exactly be like "I DON'T LIKE YOU GET AWAY FROM ME". Do you say that to people you don't like? Of course not, you'd be an asshole if you did.

And I donno man, yeah I was polite to his face, but I don't consider ignoring someones phone calls as being "nice" exactly. I was being quite assholeish in truth, and that's why this was so awkward, because I was already being passive aggressively assholey and then had to be outright assholey go make him go away.

Anyways, it's over with, he'll leave me alone, it's good.

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