Help with Nail biting problem and to reverse the damage to make them normal again? (17)

4 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-28 02:05 ID:ae8T64z+

Hi fellow nail biter! I used to do it myself just until recently when I finally got rid of it. When I was biting my nails it was REALLY BAD, honestly. Not only did I chew up my nails, but I also ate from the nearby skin (whatever it's called). When I was younger I used to bite on my toe nails, a habit I had until I was in middle school when I finally quit, I did however relapse some time after that and got an ingrown nail, after that I quit for good.

Oh yeah, finger nails! When at it's worst the thumb nail was like 7mm or something, same thing goes for the rest of the nails to, except the the nail on the little finger which was just a few millimeters.

Over the years I've tried quite a few methods to stop with the habit, most including clear nail polish with incredibly terrible taste, but I've always started biting my nails again either while going "through treatment", or some time after. One time I thought that I'd finally succeeded, which I had for the time being, but after getting some sad news the relapse was a fact. so a pro tip, stay out of depressing news.

I wasn't able to quit for real until... well, earlier this year, at the age of 20. One day I finally thought to myself that I was going to quit right now, and I did... with a lot of help from kind Mr Internet. Some of the tips that made me quit:

  • Use clear nail polish. A lot of it. Get several bottles of it and keep one with you wherever you go, and place the others strategically through your house, preferably where you usually bite your nails. Always keep a bottle at your computer, and one at your bed. These are the two places you're most likely to bite your nails. Whenever you feel like biting your nails, or if you're waiting for something (eg. a video to load, commercial brake etc) add a new coating of polish on both hands, even if you don't think you'll need it. If you feel like biting your nails, get the nail polish.
  • NEVER TASTE THE NAIL POLISH. The biggest problem is "getting used to the taste", and if you get that you're likely to fail. If you find yourself with a finger in your mouth, get it out of there and slam it on the nearest table, hope it will hurt! Also, add a new coat of nail polish. Some brands of nail polish will get weaker in just a couple of weeks, buy new ones if this happens.
  • Read the instructions. I never did this until my last few attempts. The brand I used (it's named "Stop N Grow" btw) recommend using it for at least three months from the point you've stopped biting your finger nails. Since nails grow pretty quick it's easy to believe that you've stopped the habit once they're grown out. For nails to recover I believe it takes like two-three weeks or so, breaking the habit take much longer.
  • Get nail files, nail-clippers/scissors and other products for making your nails look better. Whenever you feel the urge of biting your finger nails, or if you have a spare moment with nothing to do, use these stuff. Just like the nail polish these should either be carried with you or placed around the house where you can easily grab one without moving. The computer should always have one of these! Btw, this is better after a few weeks when the nails have grown a bit, it is not a replacement for the polish. The nice thing about taking care of your nails instead of biting them is that you'll replace your bad habit with a good one, later on you'll find yourself playing with pedicure tools instead of biting your nails :D
  • WILLPOWER! If a finger gets in your mouth, remove it, apply nail polish and keep going! Willpower is more or less the only thing you'll need since this is just a habit, nothing else. There's no chemicals or addictive substances that will make you bite your nails, it's just a bad habit. If you're strong willed you should only have to decide that you should quit, and before you know it...

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