Im in process of making a mistake, but I cannot help myself. (7)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-30 22:54 ID:1dGU/iIW

If it's being hard to communicate, you could simply start by going to your parents' place and saying something simple. They'll probably understand if you start with some "I'm not okay" and let them lead you on.

Nevertheless, you definitely must seek a therapist and a psychiatrist. One will help you cope with the situation and make it better, the other will give you a better start to do so through medication, also keeping you from having these downs.

Just remember, it's no really yourself thinking of making mistakes, it's a part of yourself that's out of touch with reality. Ask for help, there's absolutely no shame in doing so when you need it. Even if you don't want to do it, do it for your parents who wish to see you better.

You'll find the strength to recover, you just need to take your first step.

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