why do so many people hate Americans? (352, permasaged)

212 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-23 20:56 ID:1p7yeacP

Dunno if you're a chilean or what, but I am and let's be honest about that as there's a lot of fud around.
1.the US didn't put pinochet in charge of the country, they just suported his operation ideologicaly (does that word exist?) and with a little money, but the cordit (or blame, whatever side of the thing you are) for that should be given to the people of the government agrupation.
2.We have to note that such 'elected president' sucked, literally. He was all 'let's take the properties away from people that have worked for it and give them to the ones that support the party', also, days before pinochet took the power, santiago had no food because a lot of factories closed because of the economic disaster and didn't want to risk their monay and that inflation at the time was so high that money was worthless.
3.All the thing that happened after that are tipical of that kind of government. Dunno if it was right, I'm not here to judge, but that's how these things work.
4.Respecting to 9-11, it was also the date of the first time the mapuches (the natives form Chile) burned down the Spanish colony-city Santiago

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