why do so many people hate Americans? (352, permasaged)

1 Name: Citizen 2005-07-02 05:29 ID:0o9dmARL This thread was merged from the former /politics/ board. You can view the archive here.

why do so many people hate Americans?

301 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-06 17:00 ID:t/rkqzP+

>>300 very true. Unfortunately, most people in all countries seem not to know very much about history, and what they do know tends to be warped. I think most Americans I could talk to seem to think that America invented freedom and was founded on principles from God and the Bible. I've never heard it mentioned in a textbook that almost all of the "Founding Fathers" belonged to the Freemasons and were heavily influenced by the lodge organization.

The scary thing about the US is that most ignorant parts of the country are growing quickly. Which is increasing the influence of ... I hate to use this term, but ... "Evangelical Conservatives", basically more or less people who try to fit anything in a pre-conceived notion of how the world works. And the words of people like Pat Robertson, who is probably schizophrenic, are trusted to some degree by a lot of these people, just because he's a "Born-Again Christian". I sometimes feel that 11 September and Iraq were a result of an ignorance that is heavily influenced by religion and a misleading view of history.

302 Name: fart man : 2007-01-06 17:02 ID:IEFBz9cM

strictly speaking, i dont hate americans, but i do hate america.
i hate america because they always pretend to fight for justice but in the reality, most of the time, they just fight for their own benefit and make other countries get involved in things for americas benefit.
they never do the justice. what they do is just screwing up things.

i admit that america is the biggest country in the world, but they should fight for justice rather than benefit.

303 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-06 21:42 ID:y0u6k2Yg

Genocide, civil war and neo-imperialism.


304 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-08 17:41 ID:3xsEmtqC

>>302 >>303

Both of you are very wrong. We fight because there are those who will not leave us alone. We fight because the other great powers are too cowardly to solve the problems that they started (i.e. Francophone Africa, Middle East, Indonesia, Pakistan). What is your definition of justice? Ponderous international courts, or laser-guided bombs? I tend to prefer force as an application of justice, it carries much more meaning than some Hague beaureaucrat droning on about 'multilateral consensus'. Genocide? Name one fucking instance in which we have systematically murdered an entire race or ethnic group. "Neo-Imperialism"? Now you're getting way out there. The United States has, historically, gone overseas to eliminate threats to its interests. Indochina? We saw it as just another part of the cold war. Korea? same thing. We had a goal then, to contain and weaken communism. In the end we simply built up our military to the point of Soviet Economic, and therefore political, collapse. Going overseas helped our cause, but cultivating our allies proved more important. This battle is being replaced with the war on terror. Radical Islam poses a threat to not only the United States, but much of the European Continent. Benjamin Franklin said it best, "We can hang together, or hang separately".

305 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-08 19:24 ID:rB9X9MGR


>>Name one fucking instance in which we have systematically murdered an entire race or ethnic group.

The native american population?

>>What is your definition of justice? Ponderous international courts, or laser-guided bombs?

The one who can use more violence is automatically right? If you can't realize the idiocy of this way of thinking there is really no helping you.

>>Radical Islam poses a threat to not only the United States, but much of the European Continent.

That's only because they fight ami/israeli imperialism. Without israel and usa, those "terrorists" would stay in their own country. You can't be stupid enough to believe that if you hit a bee hive that you won't get stung.

>>Benjamin Franklin said it best, "We can hang together, or hang separately".

This is israel's and usa's war for world domination(which the islam opposes, so those countries are the prime targets), other countries only join because they have corrupted scum as leaders like Merkel or Blair, while most of the population opposes the american/israeli war mongering.

306 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2007-01-09 00:48 ID:Heaven

> We fight because there are those who will not leave us alone.


> The United States has, historically, gone overseas to eliminate threats to its interests.


307 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-09 06:18 ID:Heaven

equals that reading this thread is a warm and fuzzy reminder and reassurance as to my views and firm beliefs concerning a certain nation.

308 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-12 04:35 ID:d57mM9m8


>>The native american population?

HAHAHAHAHA you are totally right.

>>That's only because they fight ami/israeli imperialism. Without israel and usa, those "terrorists" would stay in their own country. You can't be stupid enough to believe that if you hit a bee hive that you won't get stung.

... You are totally wrong. The way my country has responded to the terrorist threat has been boneheaded, insensitive, feckless and ineffective (largely due to President ManChild and his network of corrupt cronies). However, your argument is the same one that kept us out of WWII until the Japanese bombed pearl harbor. If it hadn't been for that, we might have waited until it was too late, and we'd be speaking German.

The wahabists are nutfuck crazy and want to impose their worldview on every living human. If they actually succeeded in establishing a caliphate, it wouldn't be too long before the privileged few Arab potentates in the new Islamic Nation nuked Washington, New York, Atlanta, and the rest of the eastern seaboard as a prelude to WWIII.

309 Name: fart man : 2007-01-12 09:08 ID:IEFBz9cM

[The wahabists are nutfuck crazy]
true. they did/do too much.

[want to impose their worldview on every living human]
this sounds more like america. at least most of the pple in the world(except americans, of course) see this way.

by the way, why r they still staying in iraq? i thought america attacked iraq in the cause of iraqs possession of nuclear weapons. and where r the weapons?

and, how many innocent pple did america kill? by the way, did u know that right after WW2 finished, american troops went ashore at Yokohama and raped 3000 women within one day? is this also japanese pples fault because they attacked perl horbor??

why america is right and iraq is wrong? why atomic bombs r ok but not perl harbor? i know the answer. because america won the war, and thats all. im not saying bombing on perl harbor is ok, it was very wrong too. but the fact is that thousands of innocent japanese were killed and a lot of pple are STILL suffering. one of my japanese friends(girl) whose age is 26 now can never have a kid because of a radiation disease(her mother was living in Hiroshima).

iraq thing is the same. whatever the reason america fight for, a lot of innocent guys, womens and kids r killed. i feel sorry for americans(and their families) who were killed by terrorists, but u can never justify urselves killing pple as well as u never justify them killing ur own pple. "u have families but they also have families"

310 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-14 23:32 ID:vQv2ySNo

U.S. currently holds about 10,000 nuclear warheads, with various means to deploy them; such as the Peacekeeper missle, capable of carrying 10 warheads each aiming at a specific target. Yet the U.S. insist on the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty strictly imposed on other countries, evident in the recent N. Korea and Iran ruckus.

Perhaps it is not much of the citizens that should be hated, but rather the United States administration that should be blamed; although I admit there are quite a lot of idiots that supports the Administration.

311 Name: wandering jack : 2007-01-15 21:01 ID:YnGmuTTI

Our government blows up anything it wants according to personal agendas, religion, and money. Even we hate our government and our government represents us so i m guessing that people think we are like the government.

312 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2007-01-16 03:56 ID:Heaven

If the US wants to keep nuclear weapons to themselves, that's fine by me. Considering what nukes are capable of, the fewer who have them, the better.

313 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-18 02:58 ID:vQv2ySNo

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

314 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2007-01-18 05:57 ID:Heaven

Nuclear weaponry does not give absolute power.

Even so, I'd take absolute power over MAD. Extinction is a pandora's box that doesn't contain any hope.

315 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-18 12:38 ID:7eglM4Su

I hate America because they created a monster they could not control; Osama bin Laden.

316 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-18 16:13 ID:lWhzx7Gg

I hate America because of it's a country of hypocrites.

They call their 2 party republic a "democracy" and try to force that "democracy" on the rest of the world.

317 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-19 21:40 ID:vQv2ySNo

US destroys a government, and enforce a new "democratic" government that supports US. If the election doesn't elect a leader that favors the US, pull it down and bring up one that does. Afterwards, anything screws up, blame the new government and its citizens.

And accuse countries of being evil or tyrannical.
And glorify their own policy and philosophy.

If that's the way they do things...

318 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-21 12:15 ID:JufiUDFi



319 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-21 13:37 ID:rYKwJhBp


320 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-21 15:17 ID:jH1YmS3m

I love this song lol.

322 Post deleted by moderator.

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324 Name: no one : 2007-06-14 15:05 ID:+uvCnrJ+

you all are realy crazy?
i dont know realy what your wrong is with usa

325 Name: Citizen : 2007-06-14 15:51 ID:VZ9CDEmP

They reflects on the thing made 60 years ago and are no squids. Japan in the Pacific War helped independence in confrontation Asia the war of aggression that the United States had begun. Asia was opened from the colony of Europe and America powers. However, victor's judgment started by the tear Far East trial in Japan.
A similar trial was developed in Iraq even 60 just now in year. Isn't such selfish posture alone a cause of your doubt?
The country that put out the hand to Japan after all is probably ruined. Country Japan cheers of. If a fabrication advertisement alone without evidence either is done, women sent to front-line etc. and will encounter painful eyes as for Chinese though they are. I do not think the United States to be bad very much. I want you to hold out as a flag of freedom. It is China and Korea in the anti-day country that crushes.


326 Name: Citizen : 2007-09-23 11:26 ID:YrAPW6Iw

...because you're all entitlement whores.

Every where you go, you speak with your shitty arsed, loud drawly accent complaining about everything (and how it's not like the US), and so people give you stuff just so you'll shut the fuck up, thus causing resentment.

You're stupid as fuck. You can't tell me the capital of Australia, or point out the flag of Cyprus for me without resorting to google.

And yet the type of lifestyles that you lead are slowing taking over the way our country lives it's lives and that just pisses me off.

327 Name: Citizen : 2007-09-23 18:41 ID:Heaven

power worship

328 Name: Citizen : 2007-09-24 03:28 ID:2ufzhgRB

329 Name: Citizen : 2007-09-24 20:20 ID:vuO0wPun


And can you draw the flag of Uzbekistan for me? I can pull obscure countries out of my ass too.

330 Name: Citizen : 2007-09-24 22:03 ID:XkQRSE1z


Cyprus' flag has a map of cyprus island on it.

Uzbeckistans' flag is yellow on top and blue on the bottom.

Now what is the capital of Zimbabwe?

331 Name: Question : 2007-09-24 23:12 ID:Tkl5ySDn

Is there any point to running a geography quiz when the unrestricted knowledge of the Internet is at your fingertips? Unless you edit the Wikipedia article, that is.

332 Name: Citizen : 2007-09-25 15:20 ID:Uwki22nh

Dude, Cyprus's flag has GOT to be the ugliest yet.
I remembered that flag because of how fucking fugly it is.

I mean, the Cyprians really ran out of ideas there didn't they? I hope for their own honor, Turkey came up with that flag for them, and they just didn't bother changing it.

333 Name: not from cyprus, never been there : 2007-09-25 22:50 ID:Tkl5ySDn

Don't see what your getting at, there are far uglier flags (Seychelles, South Africa), far busier flags (British Indian Ocean Territory, USA), and far simpler flags (in which nothing compares to Libya).
Next to any of those, it's a work of art. What's the deal?

334 Name: Citizen : 2007-09-27 08:29 ID:34UOibVU


The capital of Australia is Canberra...

And your argument is moot, as you mentioned having the information at your fingertips, ie, the internet. How about learning it in school, or learning about other cultures from your media?

But I agree...Cyprus' flag is very ugly.

335 Name: Citizen : 2007-09-28 02:18 ID:Tkl5ySDn

My argument is moot? I made no argument, I merely pointed out the pointlessness of trying to stump people on geography when you can't see them cheating. You might be confusing me with another poster.

> learning about other cultures from your media?


336 Post deleted by moderator.

337 Name: Citizen : 2007-10-03 03:05 ID:Heaven


As a British American: I don't think it looks that bad...

As a Greek Cypriot: Our flag is better than most countries. We actually have something meaningful, other than random colours and stripes.

Actually, I truthefully don't care. But FYI, it wasn't us who came up with the flag. And really, is it that ugly? I've kind of grown up seeing it, so it's like a hairy uncle to me. I don't even notice it.

338 Post deleted by moderator.

339 Name: Citizen : 2007-10-07 06:55 ID:cSJqE6kD

Hahaha, I was really just making fun of Cyprus for its flag, it's not that bad. I just think it's a little corny to have a little picture of your country for your flag, like you couldn't think of anything else.

340 Name: Citizen : 2007-10-07 19:34 ID:Tkl5ySDn

It's still more thoughtful than Libya:

341 Name: Citizen : 2007-10-08 05:11 ID:cSJqE6kD

Libya's flag is profound.

342 Name: Citizen : 2007-10-09 16:33 ID:FB6GSMOo

>>340 that s**t is deep

343 Name: Heretic Yojimbo : 2007-10-16 01:05 ID:euuOKZi9

Thing is, America has done some pretty badass shit in the past. Take a look at their space program for example. Nevermind the moon landing, the entire world watched as the space shuttle Challenger exploded, yet the country got up, dusted itself off and kept its space program going. Think about it, that kind of disaster would have put an end to most other space programs.

A lot of the hatred and criticism aimed at the US during the 50s-80s era was more teasing/love hate sort of thing. Because even when the US was down, it was still way ahead of everyone else. But these days? The US is a shadow of its former self. It continues to sink itself further and further into endless debt to pursue pointless wars against anyone who so much as gives it or its friend Isreal the wrong look. This wouldn't be such a problem if the world economy wasn't so reliant upon the US stock market. If it sinks, you can bet it will take a hell of a lot of other countries with it. And it's the fiscal irresponcibility of Americans, (just look a the credit card debt) combine with the fact that they voted for President Monkey Boy not once, but TWICE. And they continue with the "Zomg Terrorist" witchhunt at the cost of other country's rights and privacy. They aren't the tough but cool dude anymore, now they're just drunken frat boys who have too much money, power, and fear.

344 Name: Citizen : 2007-10-18 20:14 ID:qzBqRnWv

345 Name: Citizen : 2007-12-19 09:48 ID:UThfSgp+

The indians are still around jackass please tell me you aren't American.
Foreign families are less important than Americans their lives are expendable one American family is more valuable than a whole tribe of Iraqis.

346 Name: Citizen : 2008-01-24 12:47 ID:F+GydFIw

The fact that America is so paranoid of even the centre right that they will call them far left is a surprise that you would have a hard time finding in any other country. But that is not important.

America has for a long time acted like they can police the world. That it is their right to involve themselves in other countrys business and ALWAYS for their own benfit. The clear arrogent nature of America and their controversial involvment with Isreal and removal of democratic governments while they act to the world that they were completly innocent infuriates a lot of people. America plays dirty yet they are always the first to condemn others (except Suadi Araibia for obvious reasons). This pure selfish attitude is Imperialsitc in appearance and shows how dishonest America is and why I wouldnt trust them for a second on anything

347 Name: Marco Gellert : 2008-04-07 12:32 ID:lvrFq2dw

They say the past should be left behind, but do we really do that, we need to understand the past in order to live in the futur, unless Americas power is not devided in equal parts among the rest of the world they will always try and dominate the world, The American Goverment is pathetic, they dont have any selfrespect and respect for their nation.. Everything they do is for their own benefit and taht will always stay that way... But it will not last long every dog has its day and America is over due... A great concurer shall come and cripple the goverment...

America is based on lies, Pearl Habour, the moon landing, AIDS, Iraq, The world wars. all lies covered up by the goverment in order to achieve the world power, But how long can a lie last...

I wish those americans that conspire the world a slow and painfull death... (Not the Inoncent Americans)

348 Name: Dosa Reality : 2008-08-02 06:42 ID:S5on3f5h


If you're in Thailand, you've already found the toilet.

349 Name: Dosa Reality : 2008-08-02 06:45 ID:S5on3f5h


If you're in Thailand, you've already found the toilet.

350 Name: thetruthhere : 2009-04-08 20:50 ID:ATHnTlzS

of course people hate americans even some americans hate themselves for being of it. obviously now even more reasons to hate them. However only americans really know of hate so much for they are american. The country of hate, greed, murder, robbery and spreading it all over the world free. what the hell ever. nobody wants american ways and death by usa for nothing! Keep the hate most americans are the only true haters so maybe one day finally they will hate themselves if they ever get a freaking bring.
http://www.iraqvideos.net there are many reasons and a few more there

351 Name: Citizen : 2012-01-17 02:09 ID:FTVHcan4

Obviously Japanese Red Army Was Government's Agents


In consideration of the result of their terrorism, final beneficiary has turned out to be the Japanese government and the imperial clan.

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