why do so many people hate Americans? (352, permasaged)

308 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-12 04:35 ID:d57mM9m8


>>The native american population?

HAHAHAHAHA you are totally right.

>>That's only because they fight ami/israeli imperialism. Without israel and usa, those "terrorists" would stay in their own country. You can't be stupid enough to believe that if you hit a bee hive that you won't get stung.

... You are totally wrong. The way my country has responded to the terrorist threat has been boneheaded, insensitive, feckless and ineffective (largely due to President ManChild and his network of corrupt cronies). However, your argument is the same one that kept us out of WWII until the Japanese bombed pearl harbor. If it hadn't been for that, we might have waited until it was too late, and we'd be speaking German.

The wahabists are nutfuck crazy and want to impose their worldview on every living human. If they actually succeeded in establishing a caliphate, it wouldn't be too long before the privileged few Arab potentates in the new Islamic Nation nuked Washington, New York, Atlanta, and the rest of the eastern seaboard as a prelude to WWIII.

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