why do so many people hate Americans? (352, permasaged)

305 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-08 19:24 ID:rB9X9MGR


>>Name one fucking instance in which we have systematically murdered an entire race or ethnic group.

The native american population?

>>What is your definition of justice? Ponderous international courts, or laser-guided bombs?

The one who can use more violence is automatically right? If you can't realize the idiocy of this way of thinking there is really no helping you.

>>Radical Islam poses a threat to not only the United States, but much of the European Continent.

That's only because they fight ami/israeli imperialism. Without israel and usa, those "terrorists" would stay in their own country. You can't be stupid enough to believe that if you hit a bee hive that you won't get stung.

>>Benjamin Franklin said it best, "We can hang together, or hang separately".

This is israel's and usa's war for world domination(which the islam opposes, so those countries are the prime targets), other countries only join because they have corrupted scum as leaders like Merkel or Blair, while most of the population opposes the american/israeli war mongering.

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