why do so many people hate Americans? (352, permasaged)

343 Name: Heretic Yojimbo : 2007-10-16 01:05 ID:euuOKZi9

Thing is, America has done some pretty badass shit in the past. Take a look at their space program for example. Nevermind the moon landing, the entire world watched as the space shuttle Challenger exploded, yet the country got up, dusted itself off and kept its space program going. Think about it, that kind of disaster would have put an end to most other space programs.

A lot of the hatred and criticism aimed at the US during the 50s-80s era was more teasing/love hate sort of thing. Because even when the US was down, it was still way ahead of everyone else. But these days? The US is a shadow of its former self. It continues to sink itself further and further into endless debt to pursue pointless wars against anyone who so much as gives it or its friend Isreal the wrong look. This wouldn't be such a problem if the world economy wasn't so reliant upon the US stock market. If it sinks, you can bet it will take a hell of a lot of other countries with it. And it's the fiscal irresponcibility of Americans, (just look a the credit card debt) combine with the fact that they voted for President Monkey Boy not once, but TWICE. And they continue with the "Zomg Terrorist" witchhunt at the cost of other country's rights and privacy. They aren't the tough but cool dude anymore, now they're just drunken frat boys who have too much money, power, and fear.

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