why do so many people hate Americans? (352, permasaged)

309 Name: fart man : 2007-01-12 09:08 ID:IEFBz9cM

[The wahabists are nutfuck crazy]
true. they did/do too much.

[want to impose their worldview on every living human]
this sounds more like america. at least most of the pple in the world(except americans, of course) see this way.

by the way, why r they still staying in iraq? i thought america attacked iraq in the cause of iraqs possession of nuclear weapons. and where r the weapons?

and, how many innocent pple did america kill? by the way, did u know that right after WW2 finished, american troops went ashore at Yokohama and raped 3000 women within one day? is this also japanese pples fault because they attacked perl horbor??

why america is right and iraq is wrong? why atomic bombs r ok but not perl harbor? i know the answer. because america won the war, and thats all. im not saying bombing on perl harbor is ok, it was very wrong too. but the fact is that thousands of innocent japanese were killed and a lot of pple are STILL suffering. one of my japanese friends(girl) whose age is 26 now can never have a kid because of a radiation disease(her mother was living in Hiroshima).

iraq thing is the same. whatever the reason america fight for, a lot of innocent guys, womens and kids r killed. i feel sorry for americans(and their families) who were killed by terrorists, but u can never justify urselves killing pple as well as u never justify them killing ur own pple. "u have families but they also have families"

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