why do so many people hate Americans? (352, permasaged)

234 Name: 月岡 : 2006-07-30 06:31 ID:h0s7Xe7b

  1. Americans (by this I mean the US Government) is ineffectual at the smallest domestic task (Hurricane Katrina).
  2. The is corruption in all levels of government (ENRON, Iraqi contracts, Net Neutrality, Wiretapping)
  3. There is a coordinated, somewhat hostile un-checking and un-balancing of power towards the Excecutive Branch of government.
  4. There is rampant Gerrymandering and other borderline-illegal activities being done by Congress.
  5. There is gross overspending on the military (or should I say, on the defense contracts), while all other Domestic and Foreign departments lack funding. (Did you know that 60% of American teenagers do not graduate High School/Secondary School?)
  6. The United States gives less aide than many other countries and attacks Soveriegn Nations, against the oppinions of the world community.
  7. The US supports Dictators, Totalitarian Governments, and state-sponsored genocide (see: Israel).
  8. The US uses its power in the United Nations to force an automatic veto of any measure it finds "not in its best interests".
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