why do so many people hate Americans? (352, permasaged)

244 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-18 20:30 ID:+HD9ydaQ

I asked my roommate this, he's an international relations major. His answer was simple. We give out aid, then make demands upon the nations we give aid to. Or we inform governments they cannot receive aid until they implement social changes. We would like the world to be a happy democracy with equal representation for all people.

Basically we (americans) are like parents saying "sure I'll give you $100 but I'll tell you what to do". Like how the US continually pressures muslim governments to give equal rights to women. We feel it only natural that women receive equality. Yet that's not their society. In fact it's in their scripture that women are inferior to men. We rude Americans come in and say things like "You need equality for women" and they say "what right do you have to tell us what to do?" Then we threaten to cut off aid/stop trade with them in order to pressure them to implement policy we want them to implement.

It causes a lot of friction with the world and makes people "hate" Americans.

As for being a totalitarian fascist regime, that sounds neat to say but it's foolish, makes you look like an idiot, and opens you up to easy retaliation.

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