why do so many people hate Americans? (352, permasaged)

262 Name: Notch : 2006-10-30 00:45 ID:FOVQyhKP

All the whiners who dog the USA in one breath turn around and come running to us like a baby to its mommy when the shit hits the fan. Brazil? What a joke. Germany? There are still people in that country walking around that voted for Hitler. France? No need to say anything about that besided the fact that we saved all of Europe's ass in 2. Bitch at us for using the Bomb? Well brainscan, there has NEVER been a nation that when at war did not use its most formidable weapon. NOT EVER. Sorry about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was a horrible thing to HAVE to do, but thats what happens to you when you partner yourself with a country that is trying to exterminate an entire people. Genocide is an ugly thing and to be partner to it means you deserve WHATEVER you get. Ozone levels? Talk to me about that when your people stop eating whales, rhino horns and a dozen other endangered species just so ya can get that little dick up easier. Oh I forgot... You are only whaling for scientific reasons...Juts happens to be that most of it ends up on your table. What a joke. Tell ya what... When N Korea starts to really fuck with your homeland why dont we just pull back and let you deal with it since we are all a bunch of idiots.

Dont forget... Bitch all ya want... But dont fuck with the big kid on the block.

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