why do so many people hate Americans? (352, permasaged)

284 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-10 06:41 ID:D+25bwdv

Well lets see.
1- because when i walk in america, people stay away from me because i am middle eastern.
2- In the airport, the security keeps staring at me.
3- My cousin was arrested because he failed to voluntery get him self finger printed when leaving USA, he was not notified of this ridiculus law and the guard told him that no where in hell he would let him attend his classes.
4- If Tabas operation by amercians was success full , chances are that i was going to die.
5- in the iran-iraq war America supported the war and saddam, and one of saddam's rockets hit one street away from my home, a kilometer the other way and i was dead.
6- because now they go in middle east and claim to be the saviour angels while its a fucking lie.
7- because if they attack iran my best friend who is a good person, but belives in all that protect your land and religion crap is going to grab a AK47 and defend himself.
8- because if they attack iran while i'm in there i wont be able to get out, international flights will be canceled and i will miss my classes.
9- because americans are the most ignorant people next to japanese when it comes to knowing about foriegn culutures and have misconceptions and judje others when they don't have a fucking clue.
10- because americans are the most racist people i have ever meet.

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