why do so many people hate Americans? (352, permasaged)

288 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-11 14:52 ID:XkQRSE1z


Kindly take George Bush's dick out of your mouth. We can't understand what you're saying.

And another thing, Islam is not the borg. They don't all agree on everything, and not every muslim is connected to al-qaida or other terrorist groups. They aren't a hive mind. Muslims should be treated as individuals, according to how each one behaves.

If >>285 is a moderate muslim who wants to live in peace, let him, and let him worship the way he chooses (1st amendment? what's that?). If >>285 goes to terrorist training camps and plans attacks, then arrest him for being a terrorist -- judge him on behavior, not simply that he reads the Qu'ran instead of the King James Bible.

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