Why only China dislike Japan? (110)

22 Name: sage : 2006-03-11 06:12 ID:nz2Tb4RU

The same old xenophobic rhetorics: black people in the U.S. commit more crimes, ergo they must be a violent people, etc. Let's not forget which race/ethnicity of people denotated the only two atomic weapons on civilian targets in history to date.

Instead of quoting the number of crimes commited by Chinese and Koreans in Japan, how about showing the extent of employment discrimination, social stigma, and the xenophobic attitude of the ethnic Japanese against all types of "foreigners," including indiginous people like the Ainu? What about all the social and economic ceiling in place for those who are not ethnically Japanese? What about the similarly hostile law enforcement/judicial forces that actually incarcerate more non-ethnic-Japanese precisely because of their race or ethnicity?

Look, the Chinese people have faults, and many of them have been inculcated with irrational anti-Japanese sentiments. But using the same rhetoric against them doesn't make one's argument anymore valid. If anything, it only shows how hollow it truly is.


Perhaps there's something in Asia so conducive to nationalist/fascist thinking, that is responsible for the extensive right-wing extremist movements in Asia. (The most populous and threatening nationalist-fascist movement is in China, of course.) If it's worth guessing, two factors may be: a nationally-perceived wrong or threat (9/11 in the U.S., WW2 in China, Ameri-European influences in post-WW2 reconstruction in Japan, and western corporate exploitation in the Middle East for the so-called Islamo-fascists), and an overinflated sense of military, economic, racial/ethnic, and/or ideological superiority.

The funny thing is though, even though the neocons in the U.S., the right-wing extremists in Japan, the ultra-nationalists in China, and the Islamofascist in the Mideast ultimately share the same political ideology, they just can't along.

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