Why only China dislike Japan? (110)

47 Name: Citizen : 2006-09-12 18:06 ID:f/sFPS3D

I am 24. so off corse I've never done anything for that war.

can you imagine how we are educated about that war?
teachers always says that that war was wrong and we must always be feeling sorry for Asian people and against nuclear weapons and war.

we are too pure when we are told and Japanese Media is always weak
about China and South Korea. especially asahi news paper has never
critisized Chinese political system.

And Korea and China always say if thier ancesters did wrong thing, their descendents must pay reparation.

i really thought we must always sorry for them. it is like brainwash a bit.

But now we have internet and some of Japanese people noticed they are making storys and just threatening us.
it is much easer than past to check out thery storys are true or not and we can exchange opinions.

then a lot of young Japanese are getting angry because we started
thinking that we are betrayed by our Media and knowing Chinese and Korean ways.

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