Why only China dislike Japan? (110)

49 Name: Citizen : 2006-09-29 16:11 ID:WFDJQUtA

All your examples (including Unit 731, "comfort women", Nanking etc.) can't account for the berserk fury that Korean and Chinese nationalists vent on Japan. Korea has a very peaceful history compared to that of many European states. If European countries hated their former oppressors with similar intensity, there'd be a WWIII brewing there right now.
The thing is, China and Korea have adopted a holy victim mentality. Even though Japan (unlike many former imperialist countries) expressed apologies for war crimes, China and Korea must turn a deaf ear. They must keep up the hate, since it's a unifying national cause. Their state religion, if you will.

The offending textbooks were read by less than 2% of pupils. In general, Japanese war crimes are treated as fairly as the bombing of Dresden in British textbooks or My Lai in American ones. The Chinese and Korean backlash was a massive overreaction that was even encouraged by the government in China. As with the Takeshima affair, the crisis was mostly fabricated.


I agree. If the angry young Chinese and Korean men are true patriots, they should stop blaming others for their problems and help their countries in a more constructive way. Also, from my perspective, their displays of "hurt feelings" make them seem a bit effeminate with their tantrums. My advice to Koreans is that you can get more foreign sympathy if you stop acting like little girls.

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