Why only China dislike Japan? (110)

50 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-02 05:16 ID:f/sFPS3D

thank you for your response.
i expect Chinese and Korean people who live in the other countries will understant the real situation in Japan.

Could you check this page, if you can read Chinese character?

It is S-Korean government's official web-page in English and it says about Japanse Army's crime about comfort women.
this page shows 2 advertisement using Chinese character and the contents are below;

1, advertisement for confort wemen (recruit hurriedly)
age :17-30
working place : ○○rest place (not battle field)
payment: more than \300 (you can owe money if it is less than \3000)
application time: 8:00a.m. - 10:00p.m.( you need to sent your career)
Imai Introduction office

2, advertisement for confort wemen for Army (recruit hurriedly)
working place : ○○army's rest place (not battle field)
qualfications: age 18-30 and sorry i can't read Korean.
term to recuit: October 11 - November 8
day for departure: will be Nobember 10
working term and condition: will be decided your opinion
required people's number: dozens of people
applilicant must call this office....

\300 is worth \12,000,000 ($100,000) in presence.
it is natural to think those women worked for money with their will.
the probrem is living ex-confort women insist that they were abducted and made confort women forcely by Japanese Army.
Also one of them's verbal evidence is chancging every time.
Korean government do negative campain against Japan still now and requires apology and reparation.

the number of Victims in Nankin which Chinse goverment is increasing every year.

we just think that Korea and China threat Japan making stories.

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