■Let's Compare our Political Beliefs!■ (103)

14 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-08 06:36 ID:avQ80JjZ

Yeah we all ARE going to die one day....

but that doesn't mean I'm going to commit suicide. It just means that I'm not going to care about everyone's problems because I hate society. All of these hornrimmed glasses wearing, Jon Stewart worshipping protohippies and their pipe dreams..... Who do you really think you are kidding? Do you honestly think a Democrat will really make things better? Raising taxes, progressive taxation, welfare doles, gun control, and forced public education and NO vouchers.

Screw that. Don't make me suffer with the rest of you. Tolerance, acceptance, progressive agendas...HA! I laugh at you. Trying to turn us into the great spaceship earth where everyone gets along...

lame. We are animals. We eat, we shit, we fuck, and we die. The best option is to save your money, neither a borrower nor a lender be, and don't rely on anyone else. Self sufficiency and territorialism is the only answer. It works for all animals from the ant to the lion. Stop encouraging the "underpriviliged" to keep crapping out kids that nobody wants, stop bussing ghetto kids to good schools where they bring their drugs, crime and bad influence with them, stop relying on the government so damn much for "intervention".

This is lame. There is no truth. There is no good. All we can do is hold to what we have and hang on for the duration.

No, you'll not see me jumping off any bridges. I'm dug in quite nicely and without pity.

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