The American Dream (15)

8 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-30 21:01 ID:Heaven

The American Dream is - or so I thought - the classic rise from rags to riches. At least, 'american dream' is used this way around here. What you described is usually referred to as "American Way of Life" (the term itself coming from the interwar period), and is generally treated with more or less mild derision. As is the "american dream", which is the least believable piece of propaganda bullshit of the century.
We're the least kids-wanting nation of the continent, marriages have been declining at a free-fall rate, and I must admit I am quite pleased with this development. Why? Because a) excess population is real, and it's a problem, despite conservative's cry for 10000 kids per wife and b) because I think marriage as such as an obsolete (and mainly ecclasiastic) institution.

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