I Can't Stand Any of You (20)

1 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-12 15:51 ID:kor71sYe

Why the hell do I lurk on this stupid board? You scum are a bunch of rabid anti-Americans, socialists who are so miserable in their own ideological failure (The 21st Century will be a Capitalist Century!), that all they can so is use the United States as their whipping boy to make them feel better. Your ideology is a faith without a God, a church built upon the foundations of parasitism. We are the future, and yet you live in your pathetic past. Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and every state in between, will all ultimately fail, because socialism deprives you of the desire to exist, your birthrates fall, your immigrant populations stir angrily under your own noses, and yet you are too busy navel-gazing to notice the writing on the wall. YOU ARE DOOMED. Yet still, in the eleventh hour, you cannot help but blame America, hate America, resent America, for you own inadequacy. Will I weep for you, when your cities are ablaze, while ours remain wealthy and vibrant? No, I will crow with derisive laughter, because I remember, I remember what we gave you. We were the defenders of Europe, we alone kept Communism from going no further than your doorstep, we poured billions upon billions into your lethargic economies, watching them flourish. And yet, for all these gifts, you selfishly hoarded them, unwilling to accept our intentions as kindly, as fundamentally good. You rebuked our charity, called us brutal imperialists, murderers. Yet it was you, O' Europe, who had so much to atone for. It's time to end this charade, time to lift the tempest of your own pathetic self-pity and loathing. The future is leaving you behind, slowly but surely, history marches against you and all your ilk. America will flourish with or without you, will you come with us? Or will you fall like so many before you? I will leave you to your thoughts now, for your hour of absolution draws near. I am leaving, come with me whenever you see fit.

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