korean problem (96, permasaged)

62 Name: Citizen : 2007-04-03 03:15 ID:yoecJYsg

CRAZY 「NEW YORK TIMES」(Onishi and YOSHIMI)Korean with Japanese name
About ONISHI http://asahi.kirisute-gomen.com/onishi.html
I do not understand about Korean like to use hatred Japanese Name at oversea.
Comfort women problem during WW2.
Korean does not have and find any evidence in data, document…etc for sex slave. Only three former comfort women testimonies…but two of them are liar. >>59 The other hand, it was very strange about no document, data, witness…etc anything for evidence. even if Korean say many victims ( I do not know how many…Korean always say different.)Korean government also said「All material evidence was vanished by Japanese Military after WW2 」but it is easy to know about impossible after WW2. Korean had to find a document for proof … over 60 years, Korean finally find a document for Japanese military.
>>55 http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/31/world/asia/31yoshimi.html?_r=1&oref=slogin
「募集等ニ当リテハ派遣軍ニ於テ統制シ」→Military control to wanted of comfort women.
「実施ニ当リテハ関係地方ノ憲兵及警察当局 トノ連繋ヲ密ニ」→Military and Police need constant communication to do.

                   It sounds is real sex salve system. 

OK   Let’s me read Japanese Original.
件名 「軍慰安所従業婦等募集ニ関スル件」(軍の慰安所従業婦等募集について)
副官より、中国北部方面軍、及び、中国中部派遣軍 参謀長宛の通牒案 日中戦争における慰安所設置の為、募集業者が慰安婦を募集する際、“日本軍の名義・権威を利用し、その結果 日本軍の威信を傷つけ、庶民の誤解を招く事例”や“従軍記者、慰問者などを通じて、不統制に募集し、社会問題 を惹起する事例”や“慰安婦を募集する業者が相応しくない場合、誘拐に類した方法を使い、警察の検挙・取調べを 受ける事例”など注意を要する事例が少なくない。 将来、慰安婦の募集に関しては、派遣軍がこれを統制し、慰安婦募集業者の選定を周到・適切に行い、慰安婦募集 に際しては、関係地方の憲兵、警察当局と協力すること。
???wha ha ha ha OINK~
This document show evidence about Japanese military has not done anything to sex slave. I do not understand New York Times, Do you help Japanese? How do you think about your miss fabrication story? … In New York Time non one can read Japanese?? Bad circumstance and bad prostitution brokers (we know all of prostitution broker were Korean).so Japanese Militarily had to give their place and check comfort woman by interview.(I know Japan also check their health)
Hey! New York Times! There are many evidence data and documents, that’s Korean Military have done sex slave against North Korean women. Then we know New York Times have been controlled by Chinese and Korean by bribe.
Hey Korean! You still attack to CNN? We know all Korean have stalker power to bankrupt or control company.

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