Ron Paul for U.S. President 2008 (57)

19 Name: Citizen : 2007-12-07 01:04 ID:iMsKly+Z

So, pray tell, what presidential candidate proposes to curtail the unwarranted and irrational expansion of power of the state? Probably the Libertarian one, but whoever that is must be even more unelectable than people complain Paul is. Yeah, our voting system is a travesty.

From what I've observed, most candidates for both the Democrat and the Republican Party both want to wield the federal-executive sledgehammer that's been forged in the last few decades, merely towards different aims. Paul is the only one espousing a view remotely related to limiting the power of government. While it's not ideal from an anarcho-libertarian perspective, the odds are high that at least one state government (for you, I'm thinking New Hampshire) given as much sovereignty as possible will be more to your liking than our current heavy-handed federal government. At the very least, it's a little more accountable to you as a citizen and voter.

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