Globalisation and neoconservat/liberalism are good things. (20)

2 Name: Citizen : 2008-03-30 21:56 ID:smbdi7dt

  • south korea became a democracy in 1987. that is to say,almost 40 years after america liberated the country. for their economic development, they have the highest work hours of the OECD. also much of south korea's economic development was thanks to gen. park's five year plans. also 97 asian financial crisis lol.
  • chile became a democracy in 1990, that is to say 20 years after america overthrew the democractically elected government. pinochet had a lot of fun while the us was backing him. chile is now lead by socialists.
  • i'm reasonably sure very few western socialists support countries like china and north korea, this has been the case since the stalinist-trotskyist break (if not earlier)
  • democracies can and do make war
i wouldn't mind your crazy national chauvinism so much if it didn't involve dissidents being tortured; please for everyone's sake keep your white man's burden to yourself tia.
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