America and the world power (20)

1 Name: Marco Gellert : 2008-04-07 12:34 ID:sBAdDBlj

They say the past should be left behind, but do we really do that, we need to understand the past in order to live in the futur, unless Americas power is not devided in equal parts among the rest of the world they will always try and dominate the world, The American Goverment is pathetic, they dont have any selfrespect and respect for their nation.. Everything they do is for their own benefit and taht will always stay that way... But it will not last long every dog has its day and America is over due... A great concurer shall come and cripple the goverment...

America is based on lies, Pearl Habour, the moon landing, AIDS, Iraq, The world wars. all lies covered up by the goverment in order to achieve the world power, But how long can a lie last...

I wish those americans that conspire the world a slow and painfull death... (Not the Inoncent Americans)

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