Who here is communist (29)

23 Name: Citizen : 2008-06-14 03:20 ID:Heaven

sure, knock yourself out with a hundred different theoretical systems of government. but variants of capitalist despotism and capitalist democracy are the only two forms of governments i've ever heard of in practice, barring small-scale communes (like kibbutzim) existing within a capitalist state.

statewide communism has only existed as a prop to justify totalitarian oligarchy and/or the confiscation of land & property from the wealthy; under the hood it's had little practical difference from capitalism except for failures caused by government mismanagement of the economy, and economic policies of such states tend to gravitate steadily back towards laissez-faire capitalism.

i would agree with >>11 that in the modern world you cannot escape being beholden to money, except perhaps through slavery in a dictatorial/tribalist regime. thus, the dichotomy >>19 described.

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