Who here is communist (29)

25 Name: Citizen : 2008-06-25 00:11 ID:6rmLwuOS

It didn't work in Chile. No one knows if it would have--the track record of this particular politico-economic system in the real world shows that the norm was somewhere between North Korea and Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge--but Allende was overthrown in a matter of months.

The Allende regime, while it lasted, certainly produced considerable propaganda about how much better it was doing things than anyone had ever done before.

Totalitarian states do that a lot. When and if everything goes in the shitter, the propaganda will for a while deny what everyone knows but is afraid to say aloud for fear of the secret police, then turn to blaming long-despised minorities and/or "foreign agitators" for the nation's problems. Remember, everything good is from the Maximum Leader, everything bad is because of those goddamn ungrateful Jews, or Kulaks, or Miskito Indians, or Hmong, or Sunnis, or capitalists, or those insidious British, or insert your favorite scapegoat here. See Venezuela and Zimbabwe for current examples.

Only a child expects such a regime to speak the truth. Once upon a time, around 1965, Pravda would publish pictures of the Eight Cosmonaut-Heroes of the Soviet Union on the front page. Then there would be a ghastly accident on the launch pad at Baikonur and five would die. The next day Pravda would publish shrill denials that anything untoward had taken place, plus a crudely airbrushed photo of the Three Cosmonaut-Heroes of the Soviet Union, with the five dead men crudely airbrushed out above the waist, but the three men would still have sixteen legs and feet. Anyone who noticed this and remarked on it in public, of course, was a good candidate for a one-way trip to Siberia, if not the Lubyanka.

The truth is not in them. They will not speak the truth except by accident. Figuring this out is one of the milestones along the road from childhood to adulthood. Realizing that there's something similar going on with your own government's Official Truth about a great many things, and recognizing the same phenomenon at your place of employment can become an endless source of quiet amusement once you accept that you live in an imperfect and hypocritical world and stop giving a shit.

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